Final Project Mock-Up

For my mock-up, I painted part of my leg with people-reminders. There are some symbols, words, and pieces of art from my walls, though many of the art is significantly miniature size. To start, I really love the way it turned out! The leg stands alone, I think the feeling of having these things written/drawn onto me works in terms of capturing the carrying-with theme. To get a feel of how it'll look in the installation, I also took some photos of it with my wall to see if it's similar. 

Some things that came up that need further consideration/planning:
  • It took a little over an hour to do about a third of my leg, so that means it's going to take a WHILE to do my whole body. If it takes 3 hours per leg then maybe 1-2 hours per arm, I'm looking at 10 hours of painting just for my limbs, so probably even more to do my torso if I go that route. Perhaps I wear a big t-shirt and paint that ahead of time so I don't have to worry about the paint cracking on my body as much. Maybe I need more people painting me at the same time? And this time I was improvising, I didn't plan any of the placement, so maybe if I planned it out more it would go quicker. 
  • The pictures of my leg in my room turned out kind of awkward. I'll have to think about how I want to pose in the final space. Do I want to leave gaps along the walls where I can stand/position myself so my body fills empty space? Do I want myself and the walls to be so covered that no matter where I am, I blend in?
  • The paint cracked a lot, and very quickly. I think I should get body-safe paint, or maybe body-safe markers/pens, and maybe those wouldn't crack as much? Especially if I'm going to spend 10+ hours painting, the first things I do will probably look strange. 
  • It took some significant contortion to paint the back of my leg! I managed to do most of it but now I'm kind of sore and twisted up. It will be helpful to have another person working with me who can help with those parts. 


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