Space, Time, Cars, Spaghetti

This video is an interpretation of the cultural ideas we have of time and progress as linear and evermovingforward. I responded to Marshall McLuhan’s quote:

“When faced with a totally new situation, we tend always to attach ourselves to the objects, to the flavor of the most recent past. We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future” (75)

by creating a world where to go backward is the taken-for-granted norm. The simple absurdity of flipping our assumptions about how cars—and time—are supposed to move, breaks down our most basic societally-agreed-upon rules, in favor of imagining new realities.

What direction is “correct”?

Why not go in two directions at once?

What might that look like?

What would it feel like to live in a world where time is a bowl of spaghetti? 


  1. I think your choice of material fits your idea very well, and the rewind of the video made me feel misplaced in the serenity. I think that's our problem, we feel distracted when we keep looking backwards at ourselves and yet we have to go forward. How about focusing on the future and taking one step at a time.


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